The task We have a SharePoint list with a column of type Lookup. We also have an ASP .NET application where we need to display this SharePoint column as a drop down list. Solution 1. In your ASP .NET application inside the event where you create your controls - i.e. CreateChildControls event - write the following code: DropDownList drp = new DropDownList(); SPFieldLookup lkp = (SPFieldLookup)spField; Guid gG = new Guid(lkp.LookupList); SPWeb web = ... // initialize your SPWeb object try { SPList list = web.Lists[gG]; foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items) { ListItem litem = new ListItem(item[lkp.LookupField].ToString(), item["ID"].ToString()); drp.Items.Add(litem); } } catch { // put some error handling here... } this.Controls.Add(drp); // spField - is an object of type SPField you can initialize it like the following: // SPField spField = your_SharPoint_list.Fields[index or display name of your lookup column]; 2. If you want to save selected val...
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