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Showing posts from June, 2010

SharePoint 2010 Backup and Recovery - Links

There are couple of TechNet articles to start with: Plan for backup and recovery (SharePoint Server 2010) Backup and recovery overview (SharePoint Server 2010) Back up a Web application (SharePoint Server 2010) At the moment I am working on a backup/restore strategy for an IT company. Stay tuned for more articles from Wylde Solutions

InfoPath 2010 and SharePoint 2010 - Part 1

SharePoint 2010 together with InfoPath 2010 is a great improvement since 2007 version of both products. This post will show you how easy it is now to capture information to SharePoint with InfoPath 2010. 1. I will not use Form Library in this scenario, because to me there is no difference, but even I will have some advantage of using Custom List rather than Form Library. OK, I created a custom list called Sales Orders and added some columns: Order Status - choice, Account Manager - person or group and Reference - single line of text: 2. Then I went to modify the list form in InfoPath: 3. When the InfoPath is opened you can see all the columns from the custom list and a basic layout set up already. If you are familiar with InfoPath 2007 you see how much is improved in 2010: 4. Let's change some colours and add some text: 5. Publish - there is a tiny button in the top left corner of the screen called Quick Publish: 6. When the form is published y...

Document Sets - SharePoint 2010 - Part 1

Hi again, in this post I am going to demonstrate how set up and start using Document Sets in SharePoint 2010. In Beta version there was a little problem when working with Document Sets. You could see the discussion around it here: Document Set content type issue . Now it is fixed and I will show you how to set up Document Sets properly to also use Keywords. 1. Activate two site collection features - Document Sets and Document ID Service: 2. Select a document library settings where you want to implement Document Sets. In my case it is Shared Documents. When you have selected the settings go to Advanced settings and then allow content types management: 3. Add an existing content type called Document Set: 4. Now I want to create a new Document Set. I have a sales opportunity and I have two documents related to this sales opportunity. So first I select New Document -> Document Set command, then provide name and description and there it is: 5. To check if our Document ID...

External Content Types - Reload - Setting up for SQL Server database using SQL Server authentication - SharePoint 2010 Server

In the previous post I wrote how to properly set up an External Content Type for SQL Server in SharePoint 2010 Foundation. Reality is that even in Server edition we have Secure Store Service which was an issue in Foundation edition - we need to do some tricks before we can use created ECT in SharePoint 2010 Server. Alright girls and boys, let's move on. 1. After you have created an ECT in SharePoint Designer check the name of Secure Store Application: 2. Go to Secure Store Service settings in Central Administration: 3. Select New command from the ribbon to create new Secure Store Target Application: 4. Type the name - in my case it is SecureStoreWyldeCRM - and other related parameters and click Next: 5. Add two credential fields - User name and Password. One of type User Name and another of type Password and hit Next: 6. Set administrators for the application and click Next: 7. Now when you see newly created Target Application hit Set command on the ribbon t...